Posted by Duff

I’m not exactly sure what I’m judging my holiday progress against–maybe my idea of what the Christmas season should be like, and what I should make of it for my children?  I’m guessing you have a standard of what the days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s should encompass, and if any of us were to hold ourselves to that standard, we wouldn’t have enough energy to enjoy whatever we’ve created thus far–when typically, the memories that you make you laugh hardest are of those things that didn’t go according to plan, or went horribly, hilariously wrong.

So I give up. =) Because in retrospect, I’m probably awesome at this.

Christmas tree: check.

Christmas tree decorations: nothing hanging (thanks to Atticus) and 70% of bows missing (thanks to The Dervish, who is learning to tie bows througout the rest of the house. Which is good.)

December stomach bug: thus far a 4-year tradition in the Duff household, check. No need for another. We’ve met our quota.

Christmas cookies made: none. Christmas cookies decorated: some. Thank you, Lunch Bunch (check your local libraries for this awesome social activity). Christmas cookie tradition griped about by other mothers who attended Lunch Bunch  and have tried it with their children and grandchildren: all. Hmmm. Good in theory, not in practice? I’ll still try it in the future. I think.  According to the disillusioned Betty Crockers, the issue wasn’t the bonding (which was good), it was the thankless cleaning up (which is hellacious).

(At this point I would like to apologize to my mother for begging her, when I was a child, to make sugar cookies with cookie cutters and sprinkles).

Holiday cards sent: none. There won’t be any, due to a combination of factors: capturing quality, inexpensive pictures is one, the cost of printing and mailing is another, since while in the throes of a career change, I’m working two unpaid but emotionally rewarding jobs, the second one when I should be sleeping. The fact that I misplaced my address list on my work laptop when I was laid off, though, is at the top of the list. I feel Grinchly, to be sure. Especially now that the cards are flowing in and none are flowing out in return.

Gifts I am beyond excited to give: 100%, baby.  I am so flipping excited to give gifts this year. I think all of my holiday spirit and energy has been channeled into blowing the minds of those I love. And if I’m more excited to give these gifts than the recipients are when they open them? I’ll still feel like I won.

But really, who’s keeping score?